Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (AMIT) is a systematic treatment of common joint and muscle conditions experienced by active people. AMIT is a revolutionary advancement in sports medicine.
AMIT practitioners can predict injuries by examining and identifying instabilities in the body, which in most cases lead to injury. The new advanced therapies utilized in AMIT procedures allow for rapid corrections of instabilities resulting in improved function, removal of pain and an overall new level of performance.
The developers of the AMIT system discovered the primary cause of chronic joint pain and muscle pain is due to inhibited muscles due to overuse or injury. Although the pain of the injury goes away over time, the functional imbalance remains and in turn these functional imbalances eventually lead to chronic pain. By defining these imbalances and correcting them using the AMIT therapies, healing and rehabilitation can take place rapidly without the need for drugs or surgery.
When a muscle is overloaded beyond its ability to sustain the load, one of two things happen. The muscle fibers tear and/or the nervous system inhibits the muscle. Much like a circuit breaker in an electrical circuit. This is done to protect the muscle from more severe injury.
If the inhibited muscle is loaded again during physical activity it will not be able to contract appropriately to support the force applied and will be weak. If the muscle continues to be stressed, the body will create pain so as to avoid more damage.
This can also occur when a joint is swollen, inflamed or injured setting up what is identified as “Arthrogenic muscle inhibition” (AMI). The process of AMI occurs when a joint is swollen, inflamed or injured, any muscle that attaches to the joint or crosses over the joint will become inhibited. This is common in post surgical cases and explains why rehabilitation is slow or reaches an unacceptable plateau.
Once a muscle is inhibited, the central nervous system develops an adaptive strategy to use other muscles or tissues to take on more of the load. This leads to adaptive movement patterns and is called “recruitment” or “adaptation”.
The adapted tissue becomes the next site of injury and the injury / adaptation cycle continues.
Eventually, there will be no muscles in an area to adapt to. This places more stress on the ligaments and connective tissues and they begin to break down more rapidly. This leads to degenerative changes in the joint.
Objective precision neurological muscle testing is the back bone of the AMIT system.
Testing of isolated muscles assesses the function of individual muscles to determine if they are inhibited or functional. This defines positions of instability.
Muscle overload occurs because of:
Lack of conditioning to the level of demand
Traumatic force exceeds the integrity of the muscle or tissues
Neurological inhibition
Proprioceptive inhibition
Nutritional deficiencies and excesses
Acupuncture system imbalances
Organ / gland stress
Emotional stress
Sleep deprivation
Physical therapy modalities
Toxic overload
Training and conditioning imbalances